Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What Is Your Color IQ?

My son and I were watching some sort of educational programming that pointed out the differences between the sexes. It was pretty fun seeing how differently men and women interpret and see the world. One of the tests they gave was to see how many shades of a color you can detect and they pointed out usually women did better on this test than men. They say this has something to do with women being gatherers by nature. This (slightly off topic) gave rise to the thought of how I painted the walls in our last home a nice shade of gray, but when my grandmother visited she and my mother swore the walls were light green.

See what color you think they are below:

Color test
This mantel, and room for that matter, were not finished when the photo was taken, so no judging!:)

Anyways, I looked to see if there was some sort of color interpretation test online. I wanted to see if maybe I have a color perception issue. I mean they both said it was green so it was 2 against 1. Not interpreting color well is not an issue you want to have if you want to work in interiors.


The test I found is called the Online Color Challenge and they apparently use Pantone colors for the test. Here is what they say about color vision deficiency:

" 1 out of 255 women and 1 out of 12 men have some form of color deficiency."

 Notice this goes along with what I was saying at first about women seeing color differently than men.

How well do you see color? FACT: 1 out of 255 women and 1 out of 12 men have some form of color vision deficiency. Take the online color challenge, based on the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test. - See more at:
How well do you see color? FACT: 1 out of 255 women and 1 out of 12 men have some form of color vision deficiency. Take the online color challenge, based on the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test. - See more at:
I happily scored a 4. Phew! Big relief! It appears my peeper's perception are doing quite alright. The best score you can receive is a 0. The worst you can score is 99. So, the smaller the number the better. Even though I scored really well, I do believe I could have done much better if I hadn't rushed it.

Below is a screenshot of my test results. Notice they show you the colors you struggle in the most.

Color test
This is a screen shot of my rushed test results but still an awesome score!

If you want to take the test go here. If you want, come back and share your score when you're finished!

In my search for a test, it appears Apartment Therapy has already done a similar article last year on the same subject. You can find it here.


  1. ack I did horrible! 104 lol. I was hoping lower

  2. How cool is that? I think I'll have to give it a try.

    1. I know! It is pretty a pretty cool test! Thanks, Elizabeth.

  3. Hi Lucy,
    I saw gray, just like you. I might try this color test. BTW I love the mantel, even if it is unfinished.


    1. Thanks, Karina! I'm just going to have to rub it in my mom's and grandma's face that they are the ones color blind. ;)

  4. I will judge-judge it gorgeous! Gah! That was tough-can I blame my monitor? My score was 34.

    1. You are always so sweet, Jane. Yes, definitely you can blame it on your monitor. That was my first thought!

  5. I know the perception of color is really quite interesting. We spoke a lot about this in my color theory class when I was in school. We also learned that yellow is associated with cheapness but no one knows why but that is why it used in sale signs quite oftern.

    Ali of Dressing Ken

  6. so interesting! I saw grey for sure in that photo....I used to have issued like this with my grandmother...with fuchsia and purple....we laughed all the time about dad always joind my team.

  7. What a neat test! my score was 11, after awhile the eyes get tired. You did great! and I see Gray in that pretty pic, btw the mantel is gorgeous too ;)
