Monday, August 12, 2013

The Dining Room Walls

I hinted in my last post about the dining room makeover, which is in progress, that I would possibly be adding something amazing to the walls should it work out in my budget. 

 My plan is to put up picture frame molding and fill it with a mix of mint green, medium green, and white watercolor wallpaper on the four walls or even add in some peach/coral in the mix. I got this idea from Black Crow Studios and their watercolor "wallpaper." I chose green because it's the main color running through three of my rooms, or rather will be, if the plan works out.

I really wanted this paper for my living room! Isn't it gorgeous?

I contacted Black Crow Studios only to find out that I can't buy this by the roll that it's made in large 53 inch sections. Also the price is quite steep, $18-25 a square foot. I might be dumb as dirt, but when I calculated the expense it came to a few grand-several grand for the dining room.   So, I was thinking the wallpaper looks marble-ish, and that reminded me of the marble diy going on around the internet. So, what if I instead marbled my own paper and papered the walls with that? Maybe I could order watercolor paper this large and paint something? My husband isn't in to watercolor so he isn't quite sure.

I'm not really sure how that will work out, or if it even will. But that's my next course of action, to find out.


Try not to feel intimidated by things not working out when designing a space. That is part of the process, we often find that something we planned doesn't work and we go back rework another plan or improvise.


  1. oooooh I love it! I must say the second one is my favorite. I diud some quick research but the biggest size in that paper I could find was 20 in x 30 in

    1. Thanks, Melissa, for the research! Maybe I won't have to diy, I think I may have found an alternative wallpaper. I'll blog about it if I do so others can buy it.

  2. love those walls... they look like made with watercolor!

  3. I have never seen wallpaper like that! I can so see this in your home, though. Go for it!


  4. Pretty fastastic. it is quite different, however you should follow,your dreams. It will be interesting to see what you come up with.

    1. Hi Linda,
      It is different, and that's part of why I like it. I also happen to be a fan of abstract watercolor. Thanks for the nice words!
